Several studies have been conducted on human memory and on subjects' propensity to remember erroneously events and details that did not occur. Elizabeth Loftus performed experiments in the mid-seventies demonstrating the effect of a third party's introducing false facts into memory.4 Subjects were shown a slide of a car at an intersection with either a yield sign or a stop sign. Experimenters asked participants questions, falsely introducing the term "stop sign" into the question instead of referring to the yield sign participants had actually seen. Similarly, experimenters falsely substituted the term "yield sign" in questions directed to participants who had actually seen the stop sign slide. The results indicated that subjects remembered seeing the false image. In the initial part of the experiment, subjects also viewed a slide showing a car accident. Some subjects were later asked how fast the cars were traveling when they "hit" each other, others were asked how fast the cars were traveling when they "smashed" into each other. Those subjects questioned using the word "smashed" were more likely to report having seen broken glass in the original slide. The introduction of false cues altered participants' memories.
Oh really huh...your gonna leave just like Corey Did huh..... IM ANGRY ALRIGHT IM ANGRY IM ANGRY
The number of years it will take you to have completed studied an organism that has a life cycle of 10 years, is 15 or more than that. This is because you cannot just easily derived to a conclusion without controlling the environmental aspects of the experiments.
The teacher and a group of children talk about a specific sub-
So, good communication in an impersonal communication is yes common sense.
Rationally for this is bc it can allow us to work more efficiently in our communities. This is my reasoning on why it's common sense.