Most (but not all) biological macro molecules are polymers, which are any molecules constructed by linking together many smaller molecules, called monomers. If we were to string many carbohydrate monomers together we could make a polyacrylamide like starch. Proteins can be converted into energy, but your body prefers to use them for more essential jobs. Proteins build and repair every tissue in your body. They’re used to make hormones, enzymes, hemoglobin and antibodies, and they’re responsible for functions such as muscle contraction. The proteins in your body are made from 20 different amino acids. Starch or asylum is a polymeric carbohydrate consisting of numerous glucose units joined by glycogen bonds. This polyacrylamide is produced by most green plants as energy storage.
polymer: A relatively large molecule consisting of a chain or network of many identical or similar monomers chemically bonded to each other.
jobs are lost due to lack of metal for computers
1.5 billion years ago
Protists are a collection formed up of protozoa, unicellular algae, and fungus forms. We will focus on the being part of this society: the protozoa (proto = first, zoa = beings). Protozoa are the earliest discovered collection of heterotrophic living that utilize and modify complicated meal particles into power. Although protozoans are only made up of a single cell, these organisms control to perform all the necessary responsibilities of life. The protozoa are split into four principal associations: the ciliates, the flagellates, the heliozoans, and the amoebas.
Alcohol,nicotine, and caffeine.
Wind energy is one of the sources of renewable sources of energy that is environmentally friendly.
It uses wind power to generate other forms of energy mostly electricity.
Some of the drawbacks are:
- Wind turbines pose serious threat to wildlife. It is common place to see dead birds in areas where wind power is being harnessed.
- The quantity fluctuates from time to time. Since wind is an element of weather, it is not always in regular supply as desired.
- The cost of constructing wind turbines can be very high a times.
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Non-renewable sources of energy