Answer: Athens developed a form or direct democracy, perhaps the oldest democracy in the world. In this democracy, a few citizen, mainly land-owning men, met in a central place: the agora, to discuss important matters about the city and take political decisions.
Rome developed The Republican form of government. The two main social classes of Roman society, the Plebeians and the Patricians, send representative to the Roman deliverative body: the Senate, where the main discussion and political decision were taken.
Because they can build something for everyone not just help poor lazy people this benifits everyone in stead of a single group of people
Universities grew up around cathedrals and courses of study helped educate clergy.
It's changed a lot over time during the reign o each presidents
Because back then they had slave and none slave states and they had to matin that because each state had a someone to go and say what they want and they thought that if there were one none slave states that they would end up getting Reid of slaves they they kept it even