Analyzing the scenario, we see that the situation is repeated by the second. It may be that the first time, the woman did not know. But she had already been accused before, that is, that the second time, this was considered intentional and malicious conduct.
According to the penal code § 594, this act is considered vandalism, that is the defacing of another’s property with graffiti “or other inscribed material,” or damaging or destroying another’s property and this cant be done negligently, with the will to do the damage.
If she convicted of felony vandalism again, the maximum prison sentence is three years (after being convicted before) and fines can be up to $10,000. When the damage caused by the vandalism exceeds $10,000, the fines can be increased to $50,000. Then, comes the restitution (paying the owner property for the damage), and possibly community service.
Non-communists were unfairly accused
McCarthyism - a vociferous campaign against alleged communists in the US government and other institutions carried out under Senator Joseph McCarthy in the period 1950–54. Many of the accused were blacklisted or lost their jobs, although most did not in fact belong to the Communist Party.
Therefore, the McCarthyism's limited the actions of non-communists, who had to be cautious, as to not be listed, as a "commie."
It is for education.
The article 26–2 of the United Nations Universal declaration describe the importance and necessity of education. According to article 26–2 everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free to all people at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory for every child. Technical and professional education shall be provided by the government and higher education shall be accessible equally to all people on the basis of merit.
Modern birds descended from a group of two-legged dinosaurs known as theropods, whose members include the towering Tyrannosaurus rex and the smaller velociraptors.
What was the result of the Adams-Onís Treaty? The United States gave up claims to the Oregon Country. The United States and Britain settled a Texas border dispute. Spain gave the United States Florida in return for payment. Great Britain gave up claims to the Oregon Country.