Plants use sunlight during photosynthesis in order to use it to make sugar
Inflammatory response can be defined is a reaction of the body to injury or destruction of tissues. This reaction serves to dilute, destroy or simply wall off the agent causing the injury and is localized around the area of injury.Inflammatory response takes place in the following steps:1. Tissue damage caused by injury or bacterial infection is detected.2. Vasodilators and chemotactic factors such as histamine are released.3. As a result, there is increased capillary permeability and blood flow to the area.4. There is migration of phagocytes to the site of infection.5. Phagocytes and specific serum proteins attack and destroy bacteria.<span>6. Inflammation dies down once intruder has been destroyed.</span>
If it were a terroristic poisoning I’d say FEMA but if it were just pesticides then FDA