when a nation or individual concentrates its productive efforts on producing a limited variety of goods.
Basically when a lot of effort is put into a product instead of another so they set a limit of time.
In this new era new trends have been set and get introduced every second of the day. Today, most ladies realize that smoking amid pregnancy is putting their infants in threat. The reason for this "social change" was presumably generally due to:
New thoughts or ideas.
They should realize that alcoholism and drugs may put their baby and health in danger.
TRUE. People govern themselves through the officials they elect
In spite of republican misgivings, southern slavery survived the post-Revolutionary era because there were powerful economic incentives to forced labor.
In spite of emancipation laws bring passed after the war, they were very slow to take effect on southern states: many of them only freed children, for example. The economic system that the south had built required a massive unpaid workforce. In states where tobacco production decreased and no longer demanded such work, the free black population increased more rapidly than in other states, Meryland and Delaware for example. Legal modifications weren't taken seriously among whites of the lower southern states.