Christians believe in the __Christian Bible_ as their holy book. This book includes the New Testament and the Old Testament. The Old Testament is the_Books Of Genesis__. The New Testament includes the __Epistles_, or accounts of Jesus’s life and teachings written by his disciples. It also includes the _Gospels__, or collections of letters about matters of faith. The final book of the New Testament is the __Book of Revelation_
A unit of local government , usually a subdivision of a county, found in most mid-west states of the U.S. and in most Canadian lands.
I hope that my factual definition can help you a lot.
Answer: Relaxed
Relaxed mindset is the condition of mind in a person where calmness, peace and relaxation is present.Mind can function and think openly without any stress or tension.This helps to deal with any issue, problem solving,doing tasks etc easily and efficiently.
According to the question test should be given with relaxed mindset so that person has calm and non-stressful mind while answering question.It will provide more clarity and ability to think openly .