Wales Scotland Ireland England ... in the proper order, representing how most areas of Western Europe grew over time: nucleated town, linear hamlet, t-shaped village. ... According to the map below, which area of the map represents clustered settlement?
Answer:The middle child
Explanation:There is a syndrome called middle child syndrome which holds a belief that middle children are usually ignored or even neglected due to their position in term not broth order.
The older one is given responsibilities because they are older and tbe younger one is indulged because they are younger and then the middle child is left with no role assigned to them.
They then learn certain interpersonal skills on their own as they become more empathetic towards others hence they try to make peace at home. You may find them trying to mediate between the older and younger sibling , which will make them feel and experience more strain and stress.
Answer:Social institutions
Explanation:Social institution
are groups of people who share the same purpose and as a result come to work together so that this purpose can be attained.
These institutions are crucial to maintain order and stability within society because they are responsible for governing individuals behavior. They ensure that people abide by the norms of society.
Intrinsic motivation is to be pushed forward because of a inner feeling while extrinsic motivation is to be pushed forward because of outside forces. The main different between these two psychological influences is where the motivation is coming from ( inside or outside) and why a person or thing is being motivated ( a inner feeling or something that is external).
Since intrinsic and extrinsic sits on opposite ends the strategies to motivates these kind of people will too. For example to motivate an extrinsic person you should persuade or coerce them with things outside of them such as what others said or what is happening around them . A person who is intrinsically motivated is best persuaded by personal things they can relate to or are familiar to them. This can vary in examples..
The characteristics of a performance driven team is competitive attitudes, a certain criteria for results, high expectations , etc.
please vote my answer brainliest. thanks!
Climate elements largely depend on the variation of heating at different latitudes and seasons. The amount of heating the earth depends on the angle under which the sun rays fall to the ground. Also, the length of the day in individual latitudes depends on the angle of the sun's rays. During the summer, the earth is much warmer than water, while in winter the water is warmer than the earth. This is because the water accumulates energy during the summer, which it releases during the winter. What the climate will be, depends on the location of individual points on the ground, whether they are within the mainland or are closer to the coast. The oceans carry a higher amount of moisture than earth, so they can be a source of humid climate. So that we can say, Easter Lillies brings a fairly mild, humid climate in Western Europe. Wet, because it carries the atmospheric moisture of the ocean, and fairly mild because, during winter, it heats the earth with its accumulated heat. During the summer, this climate cools the earth because the water is colder, so the climate is still mild.
This is true.