A "divine right" refers to a right that people people has been passed onto them from God, and cannot be interfered with my laws made by humans. These could include "free speech", freedom from tyranny, etc.
Like other Muslims, the Shi´ites believe in the unity of God (Allah is the only God) and His divine guidance through God´s Messenger , the Prophet Muhammad. But they maintain that for the moral and spiritual leadership of the ummah (community of believers), Allah instructed the Prophet to appoint Imam Ali, a figure of authority (actually he was Muhammad´s cousin and son-in-law), to succeed him as leader of all Muslims. This tenet is not accepted by Sunni Muslims, the majority in Islam. Shi´ia is predominant in Iran and Iraq.
Yes, it is true that with the support of Henry Clay, John Quincy Adams was elected as the next president, since Clay and Adams both belonged to the same political party.