The correct matches are as follows:
1.PENTECOST :Feast of the week when the Holy Spirit fill the 120 disciples.
2. BETHANY: Home town of Mary, Martha and Lazarus Bethany.
3. CANA OF GALILEE: Place where Jesus performed His first miracle.
4. FORTY DAYS AND FORTY NIGHTS : Number of days Jesus was in the wilderness when he was tempted by satan.
5. JOHN THE BAPTIST: Prophet like Elijah who preached repentance.
6. TWELVE YEARS: Age of Jesus when he visited Jerusalem.
7. CAESAR AUGUSTUS: Roman Emperor when Jesus was born.
Nothing could have prevented the autumn of Rome. to place it in perspective, the Roman Empire lasted an extended time by any standard. The Romans were as brutal as their times but they were excellent administrators, builders, and their army was first rate (the navy, not so much) right up to the bitter end.
Native American culture that this picture represents is the "Puebloan".
The Puebloans known to be the Pueblo Indians are known to live in compact permanent settlements. These settlements are known as pueblos.
Their constructions are multistoried, permanent and usually attached. The traditional construction made use of limestone blocks or large adobe bricks. Then later constructions made use of clay and water.