No. "In the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may be justly pronounced the very definition of tyranny"
The answer is C!
The Zhou Dynasty was proceded by the Warring States Period (when many states were fighting for dominance, won by the Qin). Confucianism was created by Confucius to try to find the cause of war and to prevent it. I hope this helps! Have a great rest of your day!
Answer: Both the Chesapeake and Southern colonies had been made of a majority of single, young, white guys who labored as indentured servants. After Bacon's Rebellion, the Chesapeake and Southern colonies moved toward the usage of enslaved employees introduced from West Africa.
The railroad allowed travel, communication, and trade to be more accessible. It also brought over more people and jobs.