Simple: The bone fracture does not break the skin
Compound: when the bone punctures the skin
Incomplete: the bone does not break completely
Impact: The bone fracture impacts another bone
Comminuted: The bone breaks into 3 or more pieces
1. The carbon cycle is nature's way of reusing carbon atoms, which travel from the atmosphere into organisms in the Earth and then back into the atmosphere over and over again. Most carbon is stored in rocks and sediments, while the rest is stored in the ocean, atmosphere, and living organisms.
2. learn the 5 R's: refuse, reduce, reuse, rot, recycle: Going zero waste is a great step towards combating climate change. ...
bike more and drive less: ...
conserve water and protect our waterways: ...
eat seasonally, locally, and more plants: ...
switch to sustainable, clean energy
The natural resource distribution depends on many physical factors such as land, atmosphere, and altitude. Asset distribution is unequal because these factors differ on this planet from place to place.