The steps in the hemostasis process are (1) platelets become sticky and form a platelet plug, (2) walls of a damaged blood vesse
l undergo spasms, (3) a clot forms from fibrin, platelets, and trapped red blood cells. Which of the following choices represents the correct order of these steps? A. 1-3-2.
B. 3-1-2.
C. 2-3-1.
D. 2-1-3.
Hemostasis can be define as a process which causes bleeding to stop when an injury occurs .This process is carried out through this 3 steps;
Vascular Spasm or Vasoconstriction : In this step, the body constrict the blood vessel to reduce the flow of blood to the affected area.
Formation of the Platelet Plug : In this step the body respond by activating platelets which encounters the affected area, becomes sticky and forms a plug that serves as a barrier against blood flow.
Coagulation: Involves the formation of a blood clot. It is a complex process that has Fibrin as it's end product. Fibrin is more like a glue that holds the platelets plug together.
The Fibrin clot gains strength and then dissolves when the walls of the affected blood vessels close and heals.