Tatiana manages a store that sells MP3 players. Each MX300 takes 4 hours to create the plastic pieces, 2 hours to create the ele
ctronics, and 19 hours of labor to assemble the final product. Each Rocker requires 2 hours to create the plastic pieces, 6 hours to create the electronics, and 14 hours of labor to assemble the final product. The factory has 440 hours to create the plastic pieces, 750 hours to create the electronics, and 2180 hours of labor to assemble the final product each week. If each MX300 generates $12 in profit, and each Rocker generates $14, how many of each of the MP3 players should Tatiana have the store sell each week to make the most profit?
well, this is just a matter of simple unit conversion, so let's recall that one revolution on a circle is just one-go-around, radians wise that'll be 2π, and we also know that 1 minute has 60 seconds, let's use those values for our product.