It depends on what career you take on. Psychology is relevant when you're working with people. Since Psychology is a study of the brain and how it works, you can benefit from knowing how certain people think. In marketing, you can better sell your product if you know how the client is thinking. If you go into the medical field, you can know how to explain certain procedures by knowing how your patient is working. So psychology can beneficial in any and all fields of practice. <span />
Slavery in the United States was the legal institution of human chattel enslavement, primarily of native Africans and African Americans, that existed in the United States of America from the beginning of the nation in 1776 until passage of the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865. Slavery had been practiced in British America from early colonial days, and was legal in all thirteen colonies at the time those colonies formed the United States. Under the law, an enslaved person was treated as property and could be bought, sold, or given away. Slavery lasted in about half of U.S. states until 1865. As an economic system, slavery was largely replaced by sharecropping and convict leasing.
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A standard of justice practiced in America is freedom of religion. This is important because our population is so overcrowded because other countries want to be free and practice what they believe.
Greek tragedy is an extension of the ancient rites carried out in honor of Dionysus; it heavily influenced the theater of ancient Rome and the Renaissance. Tragic plots were often based upon myths from the oral traditions of archaic epics, and took the form of narratives presented by actors.