Work in the factory was very dangerous, and the other answers are leaning towards positive.
"A hospital alone shows what war is."
This sentence lets the reader be witness of the war cruelty and its consequences regarding human casualties. While being at hospitals you become aware of the war atrocities. It helps us to reflect that any war leads societies to suffering from death and destruction. No matter what the victims' race, sex, origin or religion are, what should be really important is that human beings are being devastated for those acts of cruelty, despotism and barbarism.
im not sure change it up though
Tubman decided to help the Union Army because she wanted freedom for all of the people who were forced into slavery, not just the few she could help on the Underground Railroad. And she convinced many other brave African Americans to join her as spies—even at the risk of being hanged if they were caught.
Restrictions on puritan religious practices.