The Pepsi he drinks at 10 pm
Pepsi is a caffeinated drink that has caffeine in it. Caffeine is a stimulant which means it keeps the body awake and alert. Caffeine works by mimicking adenosine. Adenosine is produced by neuron cells and when it binds to its own receptors (autocrine signaling) it triggers the neurons cells to continue firing. As the adenosine levels fall as the day progresses, the brain is signaled that it is time rest. Adenosine levels are at the lowest when its almost bedtime. However, when Jon takes Pepsi, the caffeine in it bind to the adenosine receptors and make the brain neurons to keep ‘firing’.
Well, ask yourself, "Do I try hard enough?" "Was it the best I could do?" And well if the answer is yes, then you have nothing to stress out about too much. Maybe talk to your teacher and ask for extra credit. Get tutoring. Talk to a guidance counselor. If none of that helps, well then you're just not the best at the subject, but just try your best. In the future, you won't even remember about all those grades! Coming from a 6th grader, the beginning of the year was super hard. I'm not the best at math, but I'm very good at Language Arts. Everyone has their own weaknesses and strengths. Don't worry about it.
The time required for a typical atom in the oceanic plate to complete the plate tectonic cycle is about in excess of two hundred fifty million years in which this is required for it to developed and to be fully complete for it to fully finish the plate tectonic cycle.
When Amanda poured some of the liquid in a test tube, she noticed that the edges of the water curved upward, which is an example of adhesion.
When Pol filled another test tube to the top, the liquid formed a low dome, which is evidence of cohesion.
When Amanda added table salt to the first test tube and shook it, she noted that the liquid had dissolved the solute.
All of these observations indicated the presence of covalent bonds.
Pol determined that the pH of the sample is 7, which shows the sample is neutral.
Based on all of the evidence Amanda and Pol gathered, the unknown liquid is water.