An mRNA template is used to create a DNA strand.
Answer: The respiration is a process, which occurs in all living organisms. In respiration a food or substrate present in the body is broken down into components in the present or absence of oxygen.
The respiratory membrane surface area is marked by the surface acquired by the small bronchi that branches into small bronchioles. Further the bronchioles extent to the alveoli for respiratory gas exchange.
In case of a human adult there are 300 million bronchi which cover an area of 180m². So, the total amount of respiratory surface area in healthy adult is 180m².
They can use these printers to make replica or identical copies of things like fossils. Theses are mostly useful because real fossils are rare so they can still study them without possibly ruining an artifact.
Answer: the answer is D
Explanation: They use photosynthesis and use the sunlight