Hi Lzvcorri! Based on the inputs, we can expect the answers:
a. [4, 4]
b. [3, 6, 6]
c. [7, 8, 8, 4]
d. [5, 7, 7, 4, 4]
e. [4, 6, 6, 7, 9, 9]
For a, the input is {2,4} so the array length is 2, and the loop will run for array.length - 1. So the first run with this array will see if array[i] (i=0 as initially set in the for loop with the statement "for (i=0;)") is less than the value in the array after it, array[i+1]. Since 2, is less than 4, it will assign the value of 4 in the first array index as per this condition being met (array[i] = array[i + 1];). Similarly, if you trace the execution of the program with the remaining inputs b, c, d, and e, you should expect the resultant array as in the answer above.
<u>Python 3</u>
The language's latest iteration, Python 3.9, was released on October 5, 2020. It includes even more new features such as relaxed grammar restrictions, flexible function and variable annotations, and new string methods to remove prefixes and suffixes.
Well, doesn't it say ADD YOUR ANSWER or something like that when you want to add your own answer?
Otherwise, try reloading the site
To prevent users from seeing error pages and ensure that they have a pleasant experience in your application you can add the customErrors element to your Web.config file. <span>Handling error codes and exceptions by the web.xml, you can configure </span>error-page elements<span> that act upon some error-code or exception-type.</span>
C. People spend their careers moving from job to job within a single industry.