Answer: Rising prices give a signal to consumers to reduce demand or withdraw from a market completely, and they give a signal to potential producers to enter a market. Conversely, falling prices give a positive message to consumers to enter a market while sending a negative signal to producers to leave a market.
Explanation: Hopefully this helps you with whatever you are doing. This is a long answer. Hopefully you will get extra credit for this answer
The specific met-hods used by interest groups in or-der to influence govern-ment decision are - Lobbying techniques .
Lobbying is when a per-son, call-ed a lobbyist, attem-pts to directly influence legis-lation by inter-acting with govern-ment officials. Lobbying is larg-ely done by professi-onals working for consult-ing firms or holding defin-ed positions within inte-rest groups.
When inte-rest groups use third parties to influe-nce government offici-als, it is referred to as an indirect tech-nique.
When an inte-rest group's activity inv-olves direct interaction with govern-ment officials to furt-her the group's goals, it is refer-red to as a direct tech-nique.
-Rating govern-ment officials
-Build-ing alliances
-Offering campaign assist-ance
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