1st is science fiction
2nd is fantasy fiction
3rd realistic fiction
We have already seen this movie
They already been to Almaty
I have not finished my homework yet
The Ten Commandments can be described as a series of religious and moral ethics which are a moral foundation. The Ten Commandments are a part of the Covenant which are offered by God to the Israelite.
The Ten Commandments show ten actions of restraining which are forbidden by God upon mankind. Hence, the Ten Commandments generally require people to take refrain from certain actions.
Some of these actions are:
1) To abstain from associating partners with Him.
2) abstain from making of idols.
3) do not commit a murder of another person.
4) abstain from stealing.
5) do not bear false witness
6) do no covet
All these commandments show refrain.
It is relative to how the professor teaches his subject. If he is passionat about his subject, it will reflect on the how the children learn. This said, the children learn from the knowledge of the professor and his experiences. The latter happens if the professor continusly engages with his students.