The flashdrive can hold 35389 400-pages-books
If of a page occupies 1 kB of memory, we can calculate how much memory a book will take
Now that we know that a book average file size is about 266,67 kB, we calculate how many of them can a 9 GB flash drive hold.
To do the calculation, we have to know how many kilobytes are in 9 gigabytes.
There is 1024 kilobytes in a megabyte, and 1024 megabytes in a gigabyte, so:
Finally, knowing the average file size of a book and how much memory in kilobytes the 9 GB flash drive holds, we calculate how many books can it hold.
The flashdrive can hold 35389 400-pages-books, or 14155776 pages of typical text.
The statement would be true
let, L = is a NFL player
M = teaches in CSU
N = has tattoos
Given that:
nfl player who teaches in csu = L^ M (this is false every time)
Above statement is L ^ M -> N
this would be true because
false -> true (true
false -> false (true
Second exp:
There are no players who teach in Csu therefore if we say they all have tattoos statement would be true.
A. 243
B. True
C. 0
Macro instruction is a line of coding used in computer programming. The line coding results in one or more coding in computer program and sets variable for using other statements. Macros allows to reuse code. Macro has two parts beginning and end. After the execution of statement of quiz4 x, 4 the macro x will contain 243. When the macro is invoked the statement will result in an error. When the macro codes are executed the edx will contain 0. Edx serve as a macro assembler.