10th amendment
As the final amendment in the Bill of Rights, the 10th Amendment originally aimed to reassure Anti-Federalists by further defining the balance of power between the national government and those of the individual states
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The major breakthrough in the study of dreams came in 1953 when researchers Eugene Aserinsky and Nathaniel Kleitman studied and discovered what happens when a person falls asleep.They found that the body enters into a psycho-physiological state in intervals of 90 minute cycles during sleep. This physiological state consists of heightened brain activity, Rapid Eye Movement (REM), increased breathing, a temporary paralysis of the body and genital engorgement. Through experiments, they confirmed that these physiological observations were the result of the person being in the dream state.
When blood doping, it creates more red blood cells which carry oxygen to generally create ATP so in that case there would be more oxygen absorbed by a athlete blood doping than a athlete that is not due to the fact of the increase of red blood cells.