<em>Burton Malkiel</em> believes that most economists do not write well, therefore students become glassy eyed when studying texts of an economist.
In the foreword of the book<em> "</em>Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science"<em> </em>by <em>Charles Wheelan</em>, <em>Burton Malkiel</em> noted that most economics can not write well and their texts rely mostly on algebraic manipulations and diagrams, only few economists can explain economic analysis in a simple way or show it`s relevance in everyday life. Therefore students get glassy eyed when studying economics.
According to Yerkes-Dodson law if you had an important presentation coming up, you would want to be a bit nervous/aroused to perform your best.
According to this law there is a relationship between performance and arousal. The law goes to say that sometimes, people are able to do their best when they are a bit nervous.
But according to him, this would only work till a certain point because when the nervousness gets to be too much it could lower performance.
This is best applicable to athletes or some one who is waiting to write an exam.
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