Vacuoles are essentially sacs surrounded by a membrane. They are used by cells as temporary storage sites. They often store food, enzymes, and other materials needed by the cell, and some vacuoles store waste products.
A chromosome is a deoxyribonucleic acid molecule with part or all of the genetic material of an organism
The correct answer is an accumulation of microorganisms in deep marine environments.
Chalk rock refers to a pure form of limestone produced in tropical and warm seas about 100 million years ago in the Cretaceous period. The microscopic marine algae known as coccoliths thrived in the ancient seas. Their shells were comprised of calcite. With the death of the algae, their bodies sunk to the floor of the sea and sediment of chalk got deposited.
Over many years layers of chalk sediment got deposited and resulted in compaction of loose sediment into solid chalk rock.
Scientific laws and scientific theories are very similar.
They both discuss and observe phenomena that have already occurred and been evaluated.
The main difference between the two is that law defines nature and what it does conditionally, and the reaction of nature when these conditions encounter.
To sum it up, law discusses the behavior of something that transpires in many annotations.
A theory on the other hand discusses not the behavior, but the functions. The “why” factor so to speak.
He experiences them because he still has more to learn. He takes those failures, and use them to his advantage. He gets better at what he's doing by learning from the failures and mistakes.