The individual is the presiding officer of the Senate whenever the Vice President is not present is the president protempore. <span>The </span>president pro tempore<span> (or, "</span>president<span> for a time") is elected by the Senate and is, by custom, the senator of the majority party with the longest record of continuous service.</span>
''the House and Senate frequently pass different versions of the same bill''
Conference Committees are joint committees between members of the House of Representatives and Members of the Senate. The purpose of these workgroups is to resolve disagreements over Bills, as it is common for a Bill passed by the House of Representatives to be subject to amendments by the Senate. Conference Committees produce a "compromise bill" which both houses have to pass in order for it to go to the President.
One of the reasons why stock bought on margin is considered a risky investment is because "Investors purchased the stocks with little cash down," meaning that they had to borrow the remained of the money.
In the introduction, you introduce the thesis, so the reader will understand what the essay is about.
In the conclusion, you restate the thesis to remind the reader of the thesis you just provided evidence for.