Answer: C. Step 1, Defining Performance,
Professor Simmons is describing the first step of the Effective Performance Management System known as DEFINING PERFORMANCE. This is where the goals of the project are penned down so to speak as well as the method of attaining said goals.
This step is immensely important as it sets the stage of the whole project and acts as the foundation on which the project will be built.
Answer:Culture is a way of life that involves customs, beliefs ,attitudes , art and social organizations of a particular group in a country .
There aren't any uniform cultures even within one nation because within the nation there are also small community groups who share different cultures .
The different ethnic groups within the nation lead to different cultures because each ethnic group has their own beliefs and customs which are different to the other ethnic group.
I experienced a different cultural interaction when I went to another province which was dominated by different ethnic to mine and the langauge barrier became a serious issue which made it difficult to make friends .
If I would be sent to live in a foreign country, I would need to search about all the customs, beliefs and the way of life of the people there so that o can be well informed to ensure I don't find myself doing things that are against the culture of that country and finding myself in trouble in foreign land.
They did that by hiring freelance employees from around the world
Since strawberry frog is a marketing company, they could hire a lot of freelancer artists to contribute in ther marketing campaign from outside their area of operation. In order to make proper relationship with those foreign workers, they need to understand the diverse culture so they could make appropriate gesture to respect one another
Answer:Drought, flood, and temperature changes could certainly push people to move on. Climate change also affects the food supply, and anthropologists have assumed that people came to the Americas because they were following food on the hoof.
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