Spontaneous Malformation Is the answer
Opsonization is a term that refers to an immune process where particles such as bacteria are targeted for destruction by an immune cell known as a phagocyte . The process of opsonization is a means of identifying the invading particle to the phagocyte. Without the opsonization process the recognition and destruction of invading agents such as bacteria would be inefficient.
Dissolving is importan because its a whole life sicle.
this is how desolving works:
1.an animal dies and starts desolving
2. when the animal desolves its fertilizes the ground and then grass grows
3. another animal comes and eats the grass
4. when that animal dies or gets killed by a predator it starts desolving
And then the 4 sicles repeat over and over.
A chemical reaction is the process in which atoms present in the starting substances rearrange to give new chemical combinations present in the substances formed by the reaction. These starting substances of a chemical reaction are called the reactants, and the new substances that result are called the products.
Believe it or not but there are nurses better then doctors but i say there is a 10% chance more will die