They have that bottle by the sink which i dangerous, something is burning on the stove and no one is paying attention, the knife is on the edge of the sink, & theres something on the floor and someone could slip and fall
A 75-year-old woman with no history of lung problems or smoking is admitted to the Shadow General medical floor for new onset fever and cough. You find rales and increased tactile fremitus on physical exam. What is likely to be her main medical problem?
- PNEUMONIA. It is considered as an infection which results to fever.
is that the full answer or are there choices as well because that could make this easier to answer.
Eczema is the most common inflammatory skin disease of childhood. Moderate to severe eczema can have a effect on the quality of life as well as the productivity of a person. Eczema is usually diagnosed on clinical grounds that would on a patients history, family history and as well as the skin rash appearance.