Chief of State, Chief Executive, Chief Diplomat, Commander-In-Chief, Legislative Leader, Chief of Party, Guardian of the Economy.
Commander-In-Chief would give a lot of power since it would allow the president to start war with practically any country.
The president has equal power to the other branches of the government. Every decision goes through the government branches and each one has equal say. They are always balanced in power.
Maybe Chief Administrator and Chief Diplomat would come into conflict debating foreign policy regarding federal government’s jurisdiction. Implications? They may not be at odds with each other exactly, but in some way it is very possible.
Philadelphia, Cleveland, Baltimore, NYC, Detroit, Chicago
The anwser is
your mom is soooooooo hottttttttttttt ahhhhhh
Answer: Boston massacre.
Also, trade cutoff from Great Britain.
One of the reasons Americans believe they were on the brink of loosing their rights and freedom is the Boston Massacre.
The Boston Massacre occured during late September of 1768, when British soldiers had been sent to the Massachusetts colony. The soldiers harassed women and children daily. During the time, there was cut off of trade with Great Britain which makes goods to be scarce and higher prices were being charged for them.
On the 5th of March,1770 there was Verbal attacks from the colonist which gave way to physical confrontations, which later led to soldiers firings. These, in turn lead to the Massacre. Which is popularly known as the Boston Massacre.
Because the bill has to go through the House of representatives then get passed to the president by the bill may become vetoed making it hard for bills to become laws.