Insertion: GGAT<u>G</u>ACCTAGGTAAT
a nucleotide that was not present before is inserted into the original sequence
Substitution: <u>C</u>GATACCTAGGTAAT
the first nucleotide was substituted in for another (C for G)
Frameshift (basically a insertion or deletion, we'll try deletion here): GATACCTAGGTAAT
the first nucleotide was deleted, causing the reading frame to be shifted (instead of GGA as the first codon, we have GAT)
Solar eclipses occur more often than lunar eclipses because in a lunar eclipse, the moon has to be perfectly aligned with both the earth and the sun.
Solar eclipses occur about 2 to 4 times per year, but the area
on the ground covered by totality is only about 50 miles wide. In any
given location on Earth, a total eclipse happens only once every hundred
years or so, though for selected locations they can occur as little as a
few years apart.
Eclipses of the Moon by the Earth's shadow occur less often than solar eclipses, however, each lunar eclipse is visible
from over half the Earth. At any given location, you can have up to
three lunar eclipses per year, but some years there may be none.
In any
one calendar year, the maximum number of eclipses is four solar and
three lunar.
It is the most common sexually transmitted disease,
especially among college women. Yes it is painful because it produces painful
sores. Many parents believe that their daughters would become more sexually
active if they took this vaccine. Because
of the women with disabilities are more likely than other women to experience
discrimination, emphasis on physical