With low credit, it's harder to obtain a healthy life style. Financially, for example, you wouldn't be able to receive loans from banks due to your credit being so low from previous transactions in the past, which eventually can put you at risk of getting any more loans.
In the text given, it explains that Dustin got a threatening message online and didn't seem fazed by it. His friend, Carter should NOT respect his privacy when it is a potentially dangerous event. Even though, Dustin seems as if he doesn't care, he is probably worried still. Therefore, if Carter were to investigate more, hopefully he would be able to help Devin in this situation.
<em>Predictive expectation </em>
Most times will conceive a bigger picture of what is to come in our mind. Edward has a plan to obtain a car and he already has it in mind that his friend will give him a better deal. Edward already anticipated this prediction and its a case of predictive expectation
An expectation is termed predictive when we anticipate an outcome based on our old experience or real-life experience of others. Predictive expectations are most likely to happen because of the history backing up such future actions. Felipe and Edward get along so Edward expects a good deal because of the friendship.
Therefore this type of expectation is Predictive expectation.
a. Legal Services
Hi! The orientation of Louisa will be related to Legal Services. By being interested in the judicial issue, she can study to be a lawyer, and the profile of that profession is characterized by being very orderly, serious and thoughtful people, reflecting it in their workplace.
Thanks for your question!
C. Keep records of trade. The quipu was made of knotted string and the Incas would keep records of birth, death, and harvests.