If this isn't what you were looking for, im sorryyyy! but i trieddd
Its been years. It feels like it was yesterday. Ever since my mother died, i have not been able to think straight. I have been on the floor, crying, screaming, begging for her back. But as her eldest daughter, i have to be strong for my baby brother. As days go by, i see my brother growing more and more. It makes me thrive and leap for joy. He gives me this big smile on my face. Ever since i have taken him under my wing, my life has been complete. Last night, i wiped my last tear away. I could not cry for much longer. i have things to do. It's time to get over the death of my beloved mother and take care of this angel sitting in front of me. Day by day, i feel less upset of what happened. I think to myself what i could have done than cry all these years.
because there could still be fights over the same belief even though you follow the same thing
I believe the answer is C because it has multiple answers in one, and the most effective early childhood curriculum can have more than one solution.
So they grow up to be how they were raised
Lupus can cause inflammation of the pancreas, called pancreatitis, either from inflamed blood vessels or medications, like steroids or immunosuppressants used to treat the disease.
And I think that well be it, yah that’s the answer. Hope it helps!