It was not. Movies then talking movies were before television.
A computer virus is a self-replicating program which are malicious and are designed to infect and gain control over a computer without the owner's knowledge.
To protect your computer from viruses especially when downloading files from the internet, it is advisable for one to perform regular windows security updates. This is because because windows have malware definitions to its windows defender and security essential utilities.
<span> Directions that tells an operating system's dispatcher what to do when a process's time slice is over.Wait for the interrupt handler to be execute. Allow the scheduler to update the process table. Select the process form the process table that has the highest priority, restart the time, and allow the selected process to begin its time slice. Directions that tells an operating system's dispatcher what to do when a process's time slice is over. Signal an interrupt, save the current position, execute the current position, execute the interrupt handler, and switch to the next process until the process or processes is complete. If a process executes an I/O request, the time slice of that process will be terminated because it would waste the remaining time waiting for the controller to perform the request. A situation in a time-sharing system in which a process does not consume the entire time slice allotted to it. Client/server model Defines the basic roles played by the processes as being that of either a client, which makes requests of other processes Components of the email address </span>
A motherboard is the main printed circuit board in general-purpose computers and other expandable systems. It holds and allows communication between many of the crucial electronic components of a system, such as the central processing unit and memory, and provides connectors for other peripherals
Explanation there is the rest in comments