Symbiosis is a close relationship between two species in which at least one species benefits. Mutualism is a symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit. Commensalism is a symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits while the other species is not affected.
Mitosis allows cells to make copies of themselves
The answer is because a part of the organism could die and the organism could continue to live.
In the very changing environment, such was when multicellular organisms evolved, the organisms that could adapt to that environment, survived. If in some moment multicellular organism emerged and its multicellularity helped him to survive, that is the reason this characteristic remained. On of the explanation is that multicellularity allows the organism to continue to live even if <span>a part of the organism dies.</span>
Climate – low levels of rainfall and high temperatures lead to water deficits .
Geology – rainfall flows down to the rocks beneath the ground. ...
Pollution – some places have plenty of water, but pollution has made it unsafe to use.
Over-abstraction – when water is taken from aquifers, groundwater levels fall.
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