1.) The name of my organism is the Tyrannosaurus Rex.
2.) The T-Rex went extinct 65 million years ago when the meteor hit the earth.
3.) We couldn't have done anything about this.
4.) The T-Rex lived mainly in North America and Aisa, in forests with plant-eating dinosaurs.
5.) The T-Rex was tall and stood on 2 legs. the other legs were usually up off the ground for eating its prey. I had really sharp teeth for eating meat.
Chromosomes are the structures found in the nucleus of a cell. They are made from DNA, containing hereditary information in the form of genes that control how an organism will look and behave.
Chromosomes come in homologous pairs (one from each parent) that each contain thousands of genes, determining traits expressed in the offspring.
Chromosomes are the structures found in the nucleus of a cell. They are made from DNA, containing hereditary information in the form of genes that control how an organism will look and behave. - this is true. Prior to cell division, DNA molecules are organized into large structures called chromosomes. Specific regions of a DNA molecule are called genes. These dictate specific proteins which control our traits.
Genes contain thousands of chromosomes that carry specific information about building proteins for a particular trait. - this is false - genes are segments of DNA that control specific traits by dictating the structure and functions of proteins. Chromosomes contain thousands of genes
Chromosomes are small sections of DNA that contain specific information about a trait to build proteins that people inherit. The thousands of different chromosomes passed from the parents allow for humans to look uniquely different.
- this is false - chromosomes are large structures, genes are the relatively small sections of DNA. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, not thousands.
Chromosomes come in homologous pairs (one from each parent) that each contain thousands of genes, determining traits expressed in the offspring. - this is true. In diploid organisms, like humans, have two copies of each chromosome. These chromosomes contain slightly different versions of genes, which make us unique.
1) types of music - independent
performance in doing homework - dependent
person - control
2) period of time - control
number of flowers - dependent
types of rose bushes - independent
Answer: repel forces and attract forces