The flood will lead to the destruction of the resources in the country.This will result in the shifting of the PPC curve leftward in the economy.
Earlier PPC is represented by PP curve.After the floods and destruction of resources,the curve shifts to P1P1.It is due to the availability of the number of possible combinations which decreases with the destruction of resources.
marriages, fishing, hunting, and dogs
1) the product launch.
As the product in consideration is new, and that the company performs the analysis of customer demands and needs for the product to be introduced, also the company defines the target market for its product, this conclusively reflects that the company wants to launch a new product.
Since it is a preliminary activity basically analyzing market before launch of product, there are no results therefore there is no evaluation of results.
Further there is a market testing, not for the entire company products, but only for the new product thus, it can not be termed as pre-market demonstrations.
You won't go over on an account, also, if someone hacks into your account/ uses your money, you know who to contact, for you know that you didn't buy that item.