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Calculation for the margin that Auagaa474 needed to earn in order to achieve an ROI of 27.2%
First step is to calculate the Turnover using this formula
Turnover = Sales ÷ Average operating assets
Let plug in the formula
Turnover= $491,300 ÷$289,000
Now let calculate the margin using this formula
ROI = Margin × Turnover
Let plug in the formula
27.2% = Margin × 1.7
Margin = 27.2% ÷ 1.70
Margin= 16%
Therefore the margin that Auagaa474 needed to earn in order to achieve an ROI of 27.2% will be 16%
fails to achieve the minimum average total costs attainable at each level of output.
X Inefficiency do take place in a firm when there is little or no incentive in controlling costs. As a result of this average cost of production will go up than necessary. And as a result of lack of incentives, technically, the firm will be far from efficient. It should be noted that X-inefficiency could be described as a situation in which a firm fails to achieve the minimum average total costs attainable at each level of output.
I interviewed a local talent management firm's about her business problem that they currently experienced.
Currently, they faced problem from the power of social media. In the past, many artists relied on talent management firm to gain exposure, but today, they can find that exposure through social media. (i.e : youtube, facebook)