change of one season to ther like summer to winter is called season change
the change from winter to spring, spring to summer, etc.
Language is the key to inclusion and at the center of human activity, self-expression and identity. This publication recognize the importance that people place on their own language in achieving the MDG Goals. It showcases how language fosters participation in development with lasting results.
:) :)
Umm... I don’t think so, but I’m not 100% sure.
Hello! The correct answer would be number 2!! Hope this helps!:)
Legile moderne care implică copii sunt foarte diferite de legile celor cincizeci de ani în urmă. Legile moderne protejează copiii în multe feluri, printre care: protejarea dreptului copiilor la educație, dreptul la îngrijiri medicale, dreptul la nediscriminare, prevenirea legilor muncii copiilor.
Modern laws involving children are very different from the laws of fifty years past. Modern laws protect children in many ways including the following: protecting children’s right to education, right to health care, right to non discrimination, the prevention of child labor laws.