Answer: c talmud
Explanation: this text contains the original laws the jews were given
D. they trapped farmers in poverty for generations
Answer: Peter the Great worked to westernize Russia by insisting that nobles travel to the West and observe its institutions and mores. He also set up service academies for the armed forces. He forced nobles to cut their beards. He centralized the bureaucracy and supported reofrms in health and education.
Explanation: Russian modernization was essential to opening the country trade and enhanced economic opportunities.
On August 24, 1814, British troops recently arrived from the Napoleonic Wars in Europe easily overran the inexperienced U.S. militiamen tasked with defending Washington, D.C. They then set much of the city ablaze, thereby humiliating the administration of President James Madison. The British only occupied Washington for 24 hours, however, and soon after suffered major defeats of their own that helped bring the War of 1812 to a close.
When the War of 1812 first broke out, the fighting centered on the border between the United States and Canada, then a British colony. Before long, however, other fronts had opened up, including the Chesapeake Bay, where a British squadron led by Rear Admiral George Cockburn spent much of 1813 terrorizing coastal communities. After spending the winter in Bermuda with his troops, the brash-talking Cockburn returned in February 1814 with his eyes set on Washington, D.C., telling a superior that the city “might be poss
La respuesta correcta es C) En el periodo clásico.
¿En qué época estaba Grecia cuando Clístenes propuso los primeros pasos de la democracia?
Respuesta: En el periodo clásico.
Clístenes fue el político griego que concibió la idea de crear un nuevo sistema de gobierno llamado Democracia. Clístenes lo llamó "el gobierno basado en los ciudadanos."
Clístenes fue un líder de Atenas, la ciudad-estado más importante de Grecia junto con Esparta. Quiso darle a los ciudadanos la oportunidad de elegir a sus gobernantes y creó un sistema tan interesante, que influyó a los subsecuentes sistemas de gobierno en el mundo.
El sistema que propuso sentó las bases de lo que posteriormente -en la época de la Iluminación- pensadores como Montesquieu se refirieron a un poder ejecutivo, un poder legislativo y un poder judicial.