The diversity and variations between ecosystems that ultimately links to human existence
Ozone, which is also known as trioxygen, is a chemically bonded compound, and contains three oxygens.
Diffusion is the random movement of molecules or particles from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration bringing a natural flow in the system. Diffusion ensures that there is a state of equilibrium in the number of molecules in the system.
The list that is composed of substances that are widely used for many years without apparent ill effects is the GRAS. GRAS is an abbreviation for generally recognized as safe; it is an American food and drug adminstration designation where chemical or substance added to food is considered safe by experts, and therefore, it is exempted from the usual federal food, drug, and cosmetic Act.
C eastern Europe
Mostly near the baltics and the Balkans, but Czech is also a slavic language.