I'd think that'd be the Myelin Sheath
The inclusions shown near the bottom of the palisades sill are pieces of the triassic sandstone that broke off from the surrounding bedrock during the intrusion. The palisades sill is a fine grained porphyritic ductile sill which forms spectacular cliffs and palisades in the Cimarron River canyon. The majority of the Triassic sandstones found in Worcestershire are from the fluvially deposited Sherwood Sandstone Group which outcrops across the center and north of the county.<span />
Assuming that this is the theory of endosymbiotic creation of eukaryotes , it supports it by showing that ancient prokaryotes such as archae have ribosomes that could have joined together, as the theory states to create the eukaryote's ribosomes that they have today (because they're so similar.)
Vertebrate paleontology covers everything from the tiny, fish-like creatures, to the salamander-like ancestors of all land vertebrates, to dinosaurs, mammals, flying and swimming reptiles, etc.
Hope this helped