I don't know the exact fix to this because I don't know exactly what you're talking about, but I do suggest you instead just highlight with shift and the arrow keys to make it much simpler.
High availability
RAID-5 array is defined as a redundant array for independent disk configuration which makes use of the disk striping with the parity. It consists of a minimum three disk drives and it uses the data striping and the parity data to provide the redundancy.
RAID 5 is a powerful tool to ensure integrity of the data. It provides both performance as well as security to the data.
In the context, "high availability" is the feature that is provided by the deployment of RAID 5 array on the several file services.
Segmentation means to divide the marketplace into parts, or segments, which are definable, accessible, actionable, and profitable
The use of an x-ray machine is used to take pictures of dense tissues such as teeth or bones. This is because bones absorb the radiation more than the less dense soft tissue. X-rays from a source pass through the body and onto a photographic cassette.
I hope this helps you!