Please see below.
Below are some of the list a family can provide enrichment for children without elaborate or expensive toys.
1. A family can gather their children and ask them to sing their favorite songs poems. They can also be taught new songs and poems. By doing this, boredom will be eliminated hence enriches them without necessary buying them expensive toys.
2. A family can ask their children to paint any animals they like whether on papers or plywood in different colours This will enable them to develop their innate drawing skills while making fun of the whole process.
3. The family can as well play a quick game with their children. Some games like arm or thumb wrestle could be fun. There is also clapping games or the children can teach the family the clapping games they learnt at school.
4. Children could be asked to tell a story from favorite story books or the parent could create an imaginary story for them. The whole idea is to keep them busy and make it fun as much as possible.
5. There is also riddles and play and cracking of jokes. Children may be asked to crack jokes, play riddles etc. Parents may as well crack jokes and play riddles for them in order to keep them busy and make them have fun.
6. For children who are already in school, the parents could help them solve their maths home work. They may be asked to solve first, after which corrections will be done for them. They may also be given other maths puzzle to solve, just to make them busy and have fun.