(b) Windows is an open source operating system (<em>This is not correct</em>)
Option a is <em>correct</em> because Xerox PARC(Palo Alto Research Center), which is a subsidiary of the Xerox corporation, has been greatly responsible for invention and development in modern computing devices. Some of these developments are in Ethernet and graphical user interface (making use of menus, icons e.t.c).
Option b is <em>not correct</em> because Windows Operating system is not an open source operating system. Open source OS means users can interact with the driving code of the OS and make modifications. Windows does not support this feature. Operating systems that are open source include Linux and OpenSolaris.
Option c is <em>correct</em>. An operating system has two main components - the kernel and the user interface. The core component of an operating system is the Kernel as it interacts directly with the hardware and manages system resources. The user interface on the other hand allows users to interact with the kernel of the operating system using texts and/or graphics as commands.
Option d is <em>correct</em>. Linux operating system is an open source OS. Therefore, the source code is made available to the public for examination and modification.
The Answer is A: <span>along one of the division lines. </span>
Explanation: The first thing to calculate is what IP addresses are used by the largest LAN. Because the LAN has 100 hosts, 7 bits must be left for host bits.
Explanation: The first thing to calculate is what IP addresses are used by the largest LAN. Because the LAN has 100 hosts, 7 bits must be left for host bits.
"Having more than one goal can cause problems at work as it makes it difficult to focus on just one thing and thus can lead to poor results. This is because by having multiple goals there is less concentration, less focus and therefore less ability to accomplish various goals at work with more efficiency and quality."
customers = int(input("How many customers? "))
for i in range(customers):
name = input("Name of Customer " + str(i+1) + " ")
print("Oranges are $1.40 each.")
oranges = int(input("How many Oranges? "))
print("Apples are $.75 each.")
apples = int(input("How many Apples? "))
bill = oranges * 1.4 + apples * 0.75
print(name + ", you bought " + str(oranges) + " Orange(s) and " + str(apples) + " Apple(s). Your bill is $%.1f" % bill)
*The code is in Python.
Ask the user to enter the number of customers
Create a for loop that iterates for each customer. Inside the loop, ask the user to enter the name, number of oranges, number of apples. Calculate the bill. Print the name, number of oranges, number of apples bought and total bill