Industrial Revolution
In the 18th century, the industrial revolution took place. People started having more jobs than before and also getting paid for their labor. As the workers and employees were getting paid and jobs were available because of the industrial revolution, people started buying goods for their families. As a result, the standard of living also went up. Also, there was enough food for families to grow. As a result, the total population increased. In the 18th century, for the first time, the total population reached 1 billion landmarks.
The top of the Stigma is sticky and is where the pollen attaches to it.
I hope this is what you wanted
C55H72O5N4Mg boooooooooooom
In mitosis, the first stage is prophase. The
nucleolus disappears and the two centrosomes begin to form the mitotic spindle.
The spindle xtends between two opposite poles f the cell. Next is the
metaphase. The centromeres of the chromatid pairs align at the center of the
miotic spindle. Then anaphase, the centromeres will split that separates the
chromatid pair. They are now called chromosomes. The last phase is the
telophase. The chromosomes will then form a thread-like chromatin and for ache
envelope, a nucleoli appears. <span>The type of
cell division that produces gametes with half the normal chromosome number is
the meiosis. Meiosis is the type of cell division used in sexual reproduction.
It will occur in the testes and ovaries.</span>