Based on her letter to her niece, Austen can't believe that her niece is truly "in love". Austen believes that her feelings were simply due to the proximity of the man and because of it, she can't say that she is truly "in love". She mistakes her emotions towards the man as something that is deeper, love.
Society during those times doesn't believe and allow women to think for themselves. They equate women, particularly wives, as extensions of their husbands and because of such thinking, society believes that women can't think on their own and must do her husband's bidding.
"This is a man vs. self conflict because it takes place in Charlie's mind and involves his thoughts and fears. Don yells at Les Goodman after his car starts by itself. Les Goodman is interrogated by the accusing mob."
Autonomy means independence in one's thoughts or actions. For example, someone from a strict household who is now living on their own for the first time is an example of someone experiencing autonomy.