Un terremoto con la misma magnitud y profundidad podría causar daños drásticamente diferentes dependiendo de la vulnerabilidad de la exposición. Por ejemplo, un terremoto M6 en California o Japón podría causar muy poco daño debido a las estrictas disposiciones sísmicas de los códigos de construcción. Mientras se encuentre en un país del tercer mundo, el daño podría ser catastrófico y se podrían perder millones de vidas.
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Answer and Explanation:
The Huntington disease is caused by a mutation in the gene that codifies for the Huntingtin protein (Htt). The mutation produces an altered form of the protein leading to the neuron´s death in certain areas of the brain.
The Huntington disease characterizes for being,
- Hereditary, passing from generation to generation. To express the disease, a person must have been born with an altered gene.
- Autosomal, affecting men and women equally, because the mutated gene is located on an autosomal chromosome.
- Dominant, which means that by getting only one copy of the altered gene coming from any of the parents, the receiving person will express the disease. The mutation in the gene dominates over the normal gene copy.
- Expressed by heterozygosis. Most people affected by the disease are heterozygous, with a normal copy and a mutated copy.
There are just a few cases all around the world (3% approximately) in which the disease is expressed with no family history. The progenitors are not affected by the mutation. These cases are very rare and are called <u>"de-novo" mutations.</u> A new mutation is spontaneously produced and it is not inherited from any of the parentals. It consists of an increase in the number of CAG repetitions. In a normal person, the number of CAG repetitions is less than 35. When there are 40 or more repetitions it occurs the disease. But when there are between 35 and 39 repetitions, the penetrance of the disease is incomplete. This is a "gray zone". Those alleles that fall in the gray zone are unstable and might produce the HD. Individuals with these unstable alleles have a tendency to increase the number of repetitions from generation to generation until the number reaches 40 repetitions and the person expresses the disease. This <u>usually occurs in the paternal germinal line</u>, as it is particularly unstable in sperm and probably meiosis greatly affects their instability, causing an increase in the number of CAG repeats.
Thank you so much for posting this, I need it for my class. :)
May I have Brainliest?
This membrane mimics the plasma membrane that is around animal cells. In order to explore how water moves in and out of a cell, one cell was weighed and then submerged in hypertonic solution. The other egg was weighted and submerged in hypotonic solution. It was predicted that the egg submerged in hypertonic solution would decrease in mass. It was predicted that the egg submerged in hypotonic solution would increase in mass.
The outermost covering of an animal cell is the plasma membrane. It is a selectively permeable membrane that allows only selective molecules to pass through it.
A solution having higher concentration of solute than the cell cytoplasm is called a hypertonic solution.
A solution having lower concentration of solute than the cell cytoplasm is called the hypotonic solution.
The movement of water molecules from the region of its higher concentration to the region of its lower concentration through a semipermeable membrane is called osmosis.
A cell placed in hypertonic solution will undergo exosmosis so it will lose water and its mass will decrease.
A cell placed in hypotonic solution will undergo endosmosis of water so it will gain water and its mass will increase.