Emotional abuse
It is very easy to be wrapped in an emotionally abused relationship that causes emotional weakness to a person and child. These abusers make their victims unbalanced, socially, mentally weak. The abuser feels very discomfort internally. These people do not respect and respond to others because these people do not make themselves fully understandable and respectful.
Sign and symptoms of emotional abuse:
- Accused and blamed others.
- They refused the perspective of other people.
Some of the settler were looking for gold and other were starting a new life, the first settlement is considered to be jamestown,virginia but before that there was another settlement but it didn't work
The answer would be c or a
Well i would put The purpose of Sherman's March to the Sea was to frighten Georgia's civilian population into abandoning the Confederate cause Sherman's soldiers did not destroy any of the towns in their path, but they stole food and livestock and burned the houses and barns of people who tried to fight back this severely hurt the economy and will to fight on of the Georgian people