The best term that portrays the highlights of an american robin with its nearby family members is autapomorphy.
An autapomorphy is a particular component that is remarkable to a given taxon. In the given case, this component is block red gut and dark back. This component is seen in just the american robin species and not related species in the family.
Apomorphy is characterizes as a novel trans-formative attribute that is one of a kind to a specific animal categories and every one of its relatives and which can be utilized as a characterizing character for an animal groups or gathering in phylogenetic terms. For instance ownership of quills is an element one of a kind to flying creatures and is a characteristic that characterizes all the individuals from the Ave's class.
Synapomorphy is a trademark present in a tribal species and shared solely by its trans-formative relatives.
A plesiomorphy or symplesiomorphy is a tribal character or attribute state shared by at least two taxa.
. TRANSCRIPCIÓN: Cuando en la secuencia de ADN aparece una C, las ... de ADN, el ARN que se sintetice será una molécula complementaria ... (proteínas), uniéndose a una región cercana al sitio de inicio: TAC. ... partir de la cual debes completar la hebra complementaria, el ARNm, ...
Answer: c) and b) are correct.
The brain is encased in a protective bony or cartilaginous housing in craniates.
The anterior end of the nerve cord is elaborated to form a brain in craniates.
Explanation: The craniates include the chordata with well-defined heads. This includes mammals, reptiles and fishes. So we can discard the other answers. Because most craniates have functional jaws, and the adults do not lose their chordate characteristics. The last one does not apply as a specific feature because the tunicate have neural crest but are not recognized as craniata.